
Stealing is the taking and carrying away of the property of another without consent and with the intention of permanently depriving them of it. The intention to permanently deprive includes discarding it, selling it, giving it away or altering it. The most common defence is that of a claim of right - where the person honestly believes they have a legal right to the property. At Lenz Legal we provide expert advice and representation in relation to this and other property offences.

A person can be guilty of 'larceny by finding' where an object is found and kept unless they honestly and reasonably believe the owner could be found. Other stealing offences include:

car stealing or car-jacking


The most common form of stealing or larceny is shoplifting. It is important to present positive character evidence is required to show their was no intention to steal but merely some mistake in not presenting the goods for payment.

Car stealing or car-jacking is a form of larceny.

Lenz Legal is a specialist criminal law firm that provides personalised service beyond expectations. Call us now to see just what is possible.